There are some strange names for places around Aberdeen such as Fattahead, South Flobbets, Lost, Morphie, OldWhat, and Yonder Bognie. There must be other areas of the UK with similar strange names....
Parents - Do you think your parenting style was influenced more by your own upbringing, your children's personalities, society, something else? Why is that?
I have a sky digibox plugged into my TV downstirs in the living room and I would like to be able to watch it in my bedroom upstairs. What is the best way to do this? The dish is on the other side of...
Im sure you must have heard of the 12 year old girl who ran away to meet a 31 yr old man, after meeting him on the Internet. What a sick world we live in, we must make sure our children are safe and...
I'm suffereing with a head cold that seems to have spread into my sinuses. The worst bit is my ears, they feel blocked all the time the left one's been like this for a week now, feels like I've got...
Hey my girlfriend has Coeliacs disase and im wondering if anyone knows of any gluten-free recipies, or websites containing them, so I can cook her a meal without making her ill! It would be best if...
My sister in law and her husband had this mad idea to home educate their kids and not teach them anything except how to paint pictures.They have now separated, and the mother wants to send the eldest...
I was in a club several months ago and heard a good song, didnt know that mobile song info thing, so someone asked the dj. all that is left now is a note on my mobile saying 'louis benedictti'. Does...
I heard this song on the radio the other day and it was soooo good. It was by 'the verve' but I have no idea which oe it is. It is really accoustic and is not bittersweet symphony... Any help i could...