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What have an imaginary father, mother,step-daughter,son,boy and a little girl been searching for since 1921?
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Telephone = Ring Need help with The man it's said. Any ideas? I think this could be anthem, what do you think?
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How do chicken manage to form an egg inside themselves?
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Help would be greatly appreciated  with 1d:  Visibly in agony showing talent with large drink (4,6) I only have ???? ???b?? There are a couple more I haven't done but I'll persevere with...
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I am on a library computer right now. Ok so I downloaded Microsoft anti-spyware to get rid of spyware that other spyware programs counldn't. It did so, however taking away some spyware has now got rid...
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Hi my garden is full of snails. Can we eat them??? If so what is involved someone told me you have to feed them lettice leaves for a week as a form of detox???
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Clare A
My ISP has recently set up a new e-mail address for me so that I can use one for work stuff. However, although colleagues are using the new address, and I've sent myself a test message, all messages...
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please help 31 across river in south africa the chief tributary of the orange river (4 letters v - c - ) thanks ricky
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mr. piper
This is an awful subject, but i have read that in victorian england, nasty people made a trade by selling "freaks" to circuses. Only trouble was these freaks often came about by buying babies from the...
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What is the difference between "huff" and "puff" in the following sentence?   "He huffed and puffed as he made his way up the mountain."
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ok so i've found a really good website for playing poker, but theres this box in the left hand corner that you can tick on or off, it says 'auto muck losing hands' but i have no idea what it means can...
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Who or what is marsellis wallace?
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...Hi ...just one in a list of cryptic sayings has me is what looks like the abbreviation for doctor, ie.... Dr above (or below) the same this...   ...
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Hello there i have just down loaded Ad-aware 6.0 free version. What i was wondering is have i got to do anything to it for example run it every week. Or does it do it for me automatic i have got...
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there is some confusion as to whether I had the pneumonia jab in 2001...if I did, and I have another, would this be dangerous.....thanks for advice.....commoner.
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One button gets the little cartidges to come out for a "change", but only does this when the printer  'thinks' they're empty. THEY'RE EMPTY! How do I override to get them to come out anyway?
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Hi all, I'm after buying a digital camera for the first time, I want to spend ?150-?200, I will be using it for general use (holiday snaps, family things etc). Does anyone have any...
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What is dicom imaging and how is it used in the medical field?
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I have a 1 month old Dell computer which the casing on the procesor as started vibrating. If i put my hand on it stops. I have had to put a couple off books on it to try and stop it' which does work....
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I recently installed Microsoft's SP2 and now my computer is really slow, almost freezing inbetween switching windows and now when I try to burn a CD, I get the usual message saying burning in process,...

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