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Watched a program on Mayan Prophecy and heard that on this date the planets will allign and the Earth will be destroyed (judgement day), apparently astrologers have confirmed it. Any thoughts?
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Are we evolving into a more savage species or is it the upbringing of these kids? My area is full of theses kids causing trouble.
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Anybody actually believe it
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Why are all the worlds major religious leaders rich and all the people that follow religion poor?
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I know my Grandfather came from Kilmarnock and would love to find more info about our surname.
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We have a problem with the cats on our roead, they are always sitting on the bonnet of our car and scratching the paintwork. How can we stop them?
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My partners family have a condition called Porphyria in their genes. Can this affect his cognitive thought patterns, as sometimes he doesn't comprehend things like most people. Also he gets very...
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Why was the Bible translated by the early 'church', using both the Hebrew and Coptic meanings? If you translate it all into one language it tells a completely different view of Christianity.
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My surname is O'Pray. My Grandfather was from Kilmarnock but thats all I really know about him. Any ideas on where I have descended from?
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My employer, of 2 years has always paid our wages through BACS on the first day of each month. However in order for the money to clear straightaway he charges ?9, or he says I can wait for 3days which...
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Each month I am paid into my bank account on the first of the month, my boss has always taken ?9 each month from my wages in order for the money to clear on that day or he says i have the option of...
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Is it just me or do some women have hairy bums, How do i remove it? HELP
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I have been suffering with this rash for about 7 MONTHS MY gp IS NO HELP, please help

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