Boris is a Delusional PM who now says he wants to stay in power well into the 2030s. After just suffering the Biggest By election swing since 1945. Doesn't this mad Sorcerer who has run out of spells,... Let’s cut to the chase — this might be easily misinterpreted as a ripoff of one of the most popular land-based casino slot games ever, Book Of Ra, and we’re sure...
For Priti Patel to take some time off to study European law on Human Rights, before making more stupid unlawful decisions and wasting even more of the Tax payers money. Or just get rid of this posh...
I work 6am to 2pm in a hospital and therefore get the second bus of each day. There is a guy at the bus stop who has been very kind holding the bus driver back for me when I have had to run for this...
So many old people in the old movies who were just hunks and hunkresses (female) all were pretty much gay or were they just after relationships/happiness with same sex Barbra Stanwick Marlene Dietrich...
How stupid ...Brits have spent the last five years slagging off the E/U Countries.And how happy they are to be leaving. And now they are queuing for up to 10 hours in some Uk airports to escape from...
More nonsense from Downing Street. Don't be fooled by the latest guff from Johnson with the change back to. "Our" Pounds and ounces. All to mislead the public with the price of food and petrol etc....
What do I do, when I love a person that I know will never ever love me, and I also know that I am annoying to that person, she bypasses me in the game, and she also already knows that I love her. But... Children and a teacher murdered by an 18 year old who was shot dead by police and more families lives ripped apart by a crazed gun man or...
I have ZERO sense of smell, yet I insist not only on wearing perfume every single day, but on having it as birthday presents etc lol! I even keep the bottles and have them on display, but I can’t...
Haven't bought these in a long time but did so yesterday - was looking at directions on how to cook them when I noticed that the fish was Alaska Pollock - yet I remember buying them before and it...