Being a child of the 60's & 70's, I was brought up on all sorts of 'bad for you nowadays' type fodder, but I loved it, and I still probably would! Only problem is, you can't seem to get these...
I have a large box of these, which i will never eat, before they go soft, apart from the usual chocolate krispie cakes, is their any other recipes i could make using these
When I am cooking and my wife comes and tries it she tastes it and hums a bit and does a little dance. Obviously this is not a problem for me but my mum used to do exactly the same thing but they...
i remember years ago, pre t'internet, that there was a place where you could buy odd pieces from dinner sets. Does anyone know if it's still going or has it just transferred to ebay?
me and hubby want to celbrate our anniversary in september by seeing a couple of shows, with a one night stay. but, googling has brought up so many! Who is the best? Direct from the theatre box...
I have an android phone and hand been given an android tablet. Is it possible to connect the two so that i have a bigger screen when playing games/ drawing etc? Thank you
Hi my ex/wife is trying to remember the name of a possibly children's book she read when she was about 10 years old. She was born in 1968 if that's a clue, so it would be writtne pre 1978ish. It was...
"What would you like?" says the barman. "What would I like?" says Bob. "A bigger house, more money and a more attractive wife." "No," says the barman,...
I was walking down a quiet country lane when beside me in the foliage I heard, "Knock knock". "Who's there?" I said. "Oh thank god! My husband buried me alive here and I've...
i love eating boiled chicken, wife usually boils it for a soup with coriander leaves and some lemongrass etc and she eats it with rice, i prefer to eat just the boiled chicken, preffering it to...
Could anyone recommend a good white port? Kits for my brother's50 th birthday. I knows he pulled one that someone brought him from Portugal, but have no idea what it was called. Thank you.
Watched this on DVD at lunchtime in the office on me pooter - What an amazing piece of work! I am an ideal audience for this type of film, I never see anything comng plotwise, even at the last minute!...