Prevention is better than cure, so I'm looking at the options I have if the worst happens, ie if I have an accident on my pushbike. I already have a helmet. I am about to fit lights on my bike this...
Me and my friend are going to play in a bar/restaurant come september. However, we have not spoken to the manager about the fee? What is the going rate per night for live musicians? (I'm the guitarist...
I pay a 30p a minute all the time for my calls on the everyone price plan, because I never spend over ?20. Could some one tell me what the pros and cons are for the different price plans? I don't use...
I did my gcses about five years ago, but I lost them about a year ago, and I need to get in contact with the exams boards (AQA,NEABand SEG) to buy my gcse certificates. I don't want to spend cash on a...
When I play low notes on my bass guitar I hear a buzzing? Could it be fret buzz, or could it be due to the fact that I'm using a guitar amp to amplify my bass? By the way am I damaging my guitar amp...
I'm only 21 but I'm getting inflamed joints from far to much cycling on my pushbike. My wrist is really bad, as is one of my knees. I know the simple solution is to simply stop cycling, but for...
Some one on here said that I could recharge duracell.I've got a charger that has two settings. One is ''Ni Cad'' I think, and the other is something else. Which one shall I use and should I recharge...
I was thinking if there was going to be a London meetup for all the answer bankers this summer? If not, is anybody up for one? I was kind of thinking like meeting up in hyde park or somewhere for like...
Are batteries still giving off energy when they're connected to something? Eg, if I switch my walkman off, but leave my batteries in, will there be less energy than before in the batteries?
this probably isn't the right section, but I have some spd cycling shoes, and they are covered in bike grease from the chain, from all the cycling I did last summer. How do I get all the grease off?
I know my pentatonic scale, but how do you know what key to improvise in when some one is doing a chord progression? Eg, when some one is playing in Am, I have to mess about with root notes until I...
I'm teaching my friend guitar, and he's already quite good, but I want to teach him some simple two chord songs. The only two chord song I know is ''Songbird'', by Oasis, which is G and then Em....