I remember seeing an old film on TV when I was really young (it must've been black and white cos it was ancient!) about a picture in a gallery that came to life. The people in the picture were painted...
I am a very heavy drinker (About 3 bottles of spirits a week, usually drunk neat) But I never have any negative symptoms. No hangover or tiredness. Nothing aparrently wrong with my liver and generally...
I have a very close friends, we spend alot of time togeather, do all the boyfriend and girlfriend stuff togeather, both of us r single, how can i tell if she wants more ???
Ive known one of my mates for about 8 years now and ive really liked his sister for quite a while. Im 20 and shes 17. I get on well with her and she always seems flirty every time i see her. My mate...
Part of my job is to drive my boss to meetings. most times we hire a car but occasionally we will use hers. I am insured as a named driver on my partners car insurance but I'm not a named driver on my...
I wonder if anyone can help me here please. I need to find prices of ordinary things for the UK in 1946 and 1947 (would be handy for other years gone by too). Things like, bread, milk, beer,...
Friends is my fav TV show and love it. For a hell alot of the epides I know what the actor is going to say next. Does any like the show as much as I do?
People say that if you wash your hair everyday it can ruin it! Is this true? Because I cannot go a day with out washing it as I feel really dirty! I also go to the Gym and have to wash my hair again...
As always we have had our usual selection of "holiday howlers" that we regret as soon as we have uttered them! For example a member of the family asked is the sea wet? Look at that plane ( it was a...
where did you meet ur other half??? i met my wife on the internet. on a chatroom 5 years on wednesday. met her 16 days later asked her 2 marry me 12 hrs later she moved 2 england 2 live with me 2...
Im thinking of starting my own printing and design company. What do you think of the name "Crazy horse media?" Any opinion good or bad will be welcomed.
This is a serious point, and i've watched and watched and I still can't work it out. Can someone please explain why this man is funny? I've seen him on TV shows/DVD's and I really don't get why he is...