Does anyone know of any books for ideas on Buffett food (cooking for 30 people). Or does anyone have any original, easy recipes for this sort of entertaining? Preferably cold food.
Where in Britain do people speak in a 'brummie' accent? I keep getting mixed up. Is it the same as liverpudlian? So where is Cilla Black from then - where people appear not to be able to pronounce...
Where does the accent change travelling from Scotland to England or vice versa. Carlise ? Suddenly ? Gradually ? aye yes no naw is there a no mans land where they say - Bigman gonigeezwany them Gin...
All the shops and services who ask you for your postcode and street number; then they know 'everything' is this database available online? as a download? (costs a fortune right?]
I have heard that copper wire is a good deterant (spellcheck) for slugs. Which is great as I don't like using pellets, I haven't got time to crush egg shells and i don't want to waste my beer. So what...
I added it to the search engine in AB and it didn't know. I asked Jeeves and he shrugged his shoulders. I emailed all my mates and they could not reply. I searched Altavista, Google, Yellow Pages, the...
So then is anyone willing to admit to using more than one name to back up their own point of view to make it appear more valid and that they have more support? or as previously suggested am i just... there any way i can kill them off naturally without it looking like i did it? I don't want to fall out with the neighbours so would rather it be 'god's will'