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Just seen the pictures, I wouldn't go there if you paid me! Yes I am old and I wouldnt have gone when I was a teenager either. Cannot see the pleasure in it at all. Give me proper facilities and...
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How does it work if a suspect is continually violent and agressive when being arrested, does not cooperate and is violent when being questioned, will not answer any questions and also in court...
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Why are pressure charts/isobars no longer shown on the BBC weather forecasts? They are useful as it gives an idea of the weather approaching the UK in the coming days. Is it because they think the...
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I was quite impressed with the lady herself, how she came across and her music The one thing about the show that really annoyed me was the audience. Why did they have to shout and scream after...
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Has anyone else noticed when rugby players are socialising with eachother in large groups they always seem to feel the urge to expose themselves or touch and grab eachothers private parts. Why is...
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Following the recent news stories regarding shortage of care for the elderly and also the looming pension crisis, I think there are two reasons for these problems. Firstly, this fixation we have that...
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When did racism become such a toxic subject? If you think about it logically without getting all emotional and jumping up and down, what we are talking about here basically is not liking someone...
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Buy a 1kg bag of frozen cassarole veg from supermarket, simmer it with a couple of veg stock pots until soft then run half of it through a blender. Put it all back in one pan. You now have some...
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Why do people wash salad stuffs before eating? ie running water over it. What good does that do? I never bother, I just eat it as it is, never made me ill.
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Can anyone explain please? I'm not bothered either way, I just wondered.
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Why do poeple usually from deprived backgrounds give their children weird 'made up' names? i find it amazing that a lot of the time (not all) you can usually tell what the parent is like by the...
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Sad alledgedly grown men acting like teenagers. They really do need to get a life.
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Why are these spaces always nearest the door of supermarkets? Is it because when you become a parent you lose the use of your legs?
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Why do some people insist that speed camaras should be hidden out of sight so as to catch more drivers speeding? If the reason for them is to make drivers slow down and so reduce accidents, surely...
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I think a campaign should be started to boycott self service checkouts in supermarkets. It's just another step in de-humanising the shopping experience plus the fact that in a few years time there...
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Hardly suprising is it? Japan is a society consisting of indiginous Japanese people from top level to bottom. So there is absolutely no mixing and muddling of traditions, morals, ethical codes, no...
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The teacher was sacked because he physically restrained him by grabbing his arms and left some marks! Oh dear, must be assault then! How pathetic. Oh yes he was a 15 year old boy with 'special needs'....
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Does anyone regularly get money off vouchers for goods and services from this website? Is it worth joining or is it a waste of time? There are numerous other websites that offer money off vouchers,...
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The theory behind the slimming world eating plan red and green days is that you dont mix carbs and protein in the same meal. I have tried this and it does actually work, does anyone know why it does...

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