Try out tomorrow's sunday telegraph's enigmatic variations Here is the link Kcit last effort was the love inspiring "World's greatest X". Lets see what this inspires
enjoy this weeks enigmatic variations thanks to all those who have spent their time sending me details of when they have completed the Telegraph's EV crosswords. Lets see whether the timeframe can at...
Here is the correct link for this weeks enigmatic variations. The link is not yet ready as of posting, but keep checking and it will be up soon. This is the only chance I have to access the internet...
Here is this weeks Enigmatic Variations To any EV solver! I am undertaking the statistics for the Telegraph EV. This is because several people find the timeframe until submission too short and in my...
Here is this weeks Enigmatic Variations To any EV solver! I am undertaking the statistics for the Telegraph EV. This is because several people find the timeframe until submission too short and in my...
Here is this weeks Enigmatic Variations To any EV solver! I am undertaking the statistics for the Telegraph EV. This is because several people find the timeframe until submission too short and in my...
Here is this weeks enigmatic variations To any EV solver! I am undertaking the statistics for the Telegraph EV. This is because several people find the timeframe until submission too short and in my...
Today's puzzle is Title Unnecessary by Oxymoron. Looks like Killer is still on the loose - obviously didn't have the credentials to be the 800th EV puzzle.
Answers are people whose surname begin with C My last two stuck!! 16. Club manager mucks up lacey nailbrush (4,10) 31. Innovative jazz saxophonist (4, 8)
Hi everybody. I have managed the grid and the unclued nasties but as my knowledge of Latin is limited to form latin as used in early documents, I am well out of my depth - please help. Regards DD
Another tough one this week. Nevertheless, anyone else finding it elementary so far? p. s. Sorry to miss last week's discussion - my login was repeatedly rejected until Tuesday. Seems ok now, though.
1d In proportion P?? ?A?A ( 3-4) 16d Violent seizure of property ?A?I?E (6) 49d Dispence punsihment ?E?E (4) 78a US dustbin A?U?A? ((6) Thanks to all and merry Xmas