how do i switch off my orange answer phone on my pre pay mobile without spending a fortune on the customer contact line off my mobile? i have tried the orange website but there is nothing on there to...
I walk lot in the country side and I see a lot of different coloured posts which indicate walk routes can anyone tell me what the colours mean red, yellow, blue, also a site on internet where I can...
There are various post argueing for theb legalisation of Drugs, some for the legalising all drugs. I am in a 'Safety critical job, where even a smidgen of the weakest drugs found in my bloodstream...
My parents, who are semi-retired, recently purchased a neat vacation lake house with a boat. Although they frequently invite us to the house and entertain us, my husband and I would like our own key...
Hi All I am a nights worker and can not get onto sites like Youtube as my employer has blocked it on the server. I discovered sites like Youhide and all was good for a while until they blocked that...
I have seen the advert for a new pudding at marks and spencer, it is a sponge with a blackberry filling. I'm trying to work out if I can make it myself at home. It has a sponge outside with a compote...
If you work in a pub, restaurant or hotel in Herefordshire or worcestershire let me know. Depending on your age and what qualifications you already have you may be able to get goverment funding to...
who do i report animal neglect to when it concerns animals abroad? the animals im concerned about are alligators at paphos aquarium in cyprus, they are living in pens no bigger than 10ft square with a...
Can someone advise what the best tempreture a Fridge/Freezer should be at between 1 & 5? We have ours at 3 but the freezer seems to get frosty and I am not sure if 1 is coldest or 5.
I have a huge problem with slugs. Not on my plants but on my decking. They keep coming through it at nite and climb up the walls and back door and are constantly in my cats food bowl. I have read...
Hi I have an older dog who seems to have sinus condition. At first I thought it was the grass clippings when I let him outside. Is it possible he could be allergic to the grass. He seems worse when he...