Has anyone tried this pomegranate juice? Oh my god...what did I do to deserve this punishment of the tastebuds? There is a reason why we have never juiced this fruit before.
where can i buy a big juice dispencer online? i have searched on betterware and tupperware but i cant seem to get anywhere on those sites....any ideas???
I've been using one of those wicker/Chinese style steamers to steam my vegetables which you just pop over the top of a saucepan of boiling water. I was looking at proper steamers online (i.e. a whole...
Can anyone tell me how to make the perfect omlette. Milk or no milk, perfect method and the best fillings. Not had one for about 4 years and am planning on making one some time this week!
Higher than a dream, crazy like a beautiful illusion...better than a dream come true!..Ever heard those lyrics from an old cartoon? ive been looking for years .it wud be wikked if someone remembered...
the lyrics include ....... if you ever fall in love again, be sure that the lady is a friend....... It's quite a slow romantic ballad. That's about all I can remember. Thanks
Anyone got any. I've had conflicting advice on whether to use eggs or not and whether i can use whipping cream instead of double cream. I plan to do a small strawberry ice cream, a small lemon ice...
Since buying a vauxhall astra whenever i take the oil cap off i notice a thick white goo around the cap.I have been told that this is natural on some cars but i am looking for some reassurance.The oil...
Hi, i use shallots in my cooking quite a lot, but i get sooooo annoyed while peeling them, they are so fiddly and i usually put in less than i wouls as i get bored halfway! is there any way to peel...
3 questions. I've just bought an telly with intergrated digital, is there anyway i can get my video to tune in the extra channels? I've noticed sometimes that the picture seems to blur and parts of...
lets all have cajun cod at some point over the week-end . many variant recipies, but i just marinate the cod in garlic , chillies ,curry powder and a little turmeric . place on baking tray and grill...
Hi Guy's.I've just come back from Venice and whilst there I bought a bag of this called GRAN ZUPPA DI RISO E FAVE.....I can't speak Italian so cannot understand the instuctions.I am keen to find out...