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Hi all, I hope someone can help me. I would like to do a course of some kind in which I could learn how to make a realistic baby. Does anybody know if there is such a thing please?
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Hi all, yesterday I saw on BBC1 the advert promoting Radio 2. I recall Chris Evans being on it and I really liked the music that was playing in the background. Does anybody know what the song is or...
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Hi all, my mother-in-law keeps talking about a book that she used to read to her sons when they were small, which was in the late 70's at a guess, and would really love to get it again for her...
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Hi all, I have been using my ipod loads and for the last couple of days I can't get it to switch back on. It is fully charged because I kept it on the docking station for about 5 hours. I have tried...
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Hi all, I have heard of a painter/artist called Cecile Olding I am sure thats his name but nothing comes up. There is a Cecil Golding and I have seen some of his paintings of ballet dancers but the...
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Hi all, I had to have my beloved rabbit put down today and am so upset. I wanted to be with her while they put her to sleep but wish I hadnt. They had to put 2 injections into her ear and then she let...
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Hi all, I will be 39 in January and for as long as I can remember my periods have always been very regular. Only recently, (the last 2 months) they have been coming 2-3 days earlier. Is this the start...
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Hi all, I have had a bad toothache for three days now and before you say go to the dentist, I am absolutely terrified of going because I have had 2 really bad experiences. The 1st one was when I had a...
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Hi all, i would like to know what you call when for instance you can see another picture hidden inside a picture? I can remember seeing one when I was younger and it was of an old gentlemans face with...
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Hi all, I am going to the filming of this programme soon and have seen that it says it starts at 10am. Has anyone been before and if so would you recommend that I get there for 10ish or do people...
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Hi all, after seeing so much about this in the papers and on the telly etc I was just wondering if anyone has actually been successful in making a claim and who you would recommend trying to recover...
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hi all, my mum who passed away on the 5th november aged 57 had brought a car and had paid roughly 2 1/2 years off with a year and a half left to pay. the bloke who she got the car off doesnt do...
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hi all, my mum passed away on the 5th november aged 57 and as me and my 2 sisters were sorting out her things we came across a folder of poems that she wrote herself and was wondering if there is...
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hi all, my mum died suddenly on 5th november aged 57 and had wrote my 2 sisters and myself a letter each on her computer. about 2 months ago her laptop was playing up and my cousin formated it for her...
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hi all, i once heard a brilliant joke that was so funny but have forgotten how it went, it was about a snail going out for an icecream, i think, and he goes to the gate and back again which takes days...
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hi all, having just lost our mum on 5th november aged 57 my 2 sisters and i are all dreading christmas. our mum was like a big kid at christmas and used to always cry at all her presents, we are so...
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hi all, i have an 8 month old female ragdoll kitten and have just brought a 4 month old male ragdoll but the female keeps hissing at the male. will they ever get on? it has only been 2 days that they...
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hi all, my mum passed away last sunday aged just 57 and my 2 sisters and i have had to sort out her funeral etc, as we are her next of kins. i would like to read a lovely poem out in the church, does...
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Hi all, I have found a lump in my breast and don't know whether it is just a lump that is usually there like when you have them round about a period time or not. How can you tell? Do the lumps feel...
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hi all, can someone tell me how long cats are usually in season for? many thanks.

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