i was having a conversation with a guy who is english when another friend who is also english came over and the pair of them stood there in front of me and had a conversation in a foreign language. my...
Queen were the first act to have all four members write a song that became a Top Ten hit for the band. What was the title of the hit that created the feat?
how can you remove items in you anus? If a child stuck a piece of candy up his anus, would it be safe to leave it alone if the object doesn't cause pain? Will the object come out when they go to the...
I have a daughter who turned 3 in November and have just discovered that I am pregnant with our second (was planned). Our daughter will be almost 4 when the tiddler is born at the beginning of...
I write stories and scripts, but find it hard to get in the mood to write. I have loads of ideas, premises, characters etc, but the effort of organising the story sometimes escapes me. I often will...
My friend asked me for a glass of milk. Later I noticed he hadn't drunk it but i didn't say anything. I have just picked up the glass and the rim is really sticky for some reason. I am mortified!! He...
What do you call that stuff (orange) that you add water to? I personally call it orange squash (so does everyone down here - I live in south-west england) but I was speaking to a guy from Rotherham...
Can anyone recommend a book in a similar vein to this? Or does anyone have anything to say about it? I've just finished it and was almost in tears, which is saying something. Very moving book, I'd...
Just wondered, have any of you ever thought that your life, everything thats ever happened, is leading to a specific point or event, and if you have, do you think you'll know when you get to it?
Following on from my question about my best friend being rude to me via email (concerning a man she thinks I should not be friends with since he is married, and she called me a "hussy") I am still...
I've been catching up on my celebrity reading and am amazed at the number of partners some celebrity women have had. I don't consider myself a prude and admit to having bedded three males between 17...
A senior Olympic official, Alex Gilady (Israel) believes London only won the Olympics in 2012 because of an error in the penultimate round of voting.The 'stray' vote should have gone to Madrid, which...
If you could magically transform yourself into another person, who would you choose to be?I am very shy, so pretend to be Sigourney Weaver in business meetings and when I meet new people. It helps me...