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El D

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If the Bible is to be believed(As Millions do), Adam and Eve were created by god, Who we are all decended from, So where do they fit in, in evolutionary terms? Were they apes, cos surely that's where...
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mr. piper
just out of interest, how many "more than one night stand" relationships do people have before they settle down a bit. It may sound a silly Q. as most people would not be sure they are settled down...
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I have just been reading about the "Breakout" from the Beaches and how it took a lot longer than expected to break out of Normandy . Given that the Russians were advancing in the East was there ever a...
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A few months ago, I started going out with someone who seemed perfect - funny, considerate, loving, etc. However, after five weeks of bliss, he went home on leave (he's in the army), and he came back...
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I appreciate this is a touchy subject, but this a spin off from joules99's question about 'Hanging'. What do people (especially parents) think the fate of (forensically proved) paedophiles and...
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Seriously do you think hanging/the death sentance should be bought back. I dont think I've ever spoken to anyone who is against it.
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Jim McDaid the former Irish minister for transport and the chief enforcer and shining knight of Irish anti drink driving law and policy was arrested last night for driving down the wrong side of the...
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Dom Tuk
After the disclosures of the past 24 hrs with regards to the legal advice for the Iraq invasion, will question time go ahead. Blair has not much to gain by going head to head with the leaders of the...
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I recently found myself saying "what is the world coming to" and really meaning it. Abigail Witchalls was the young Mum stabbed in the neck and left partly paralysed when she was out walking her 2yr...
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why cant catholic priests marry, what dumb pope made it law for them, was he gay or insane as it is they have nothing in common with people as they have no idea thus giving advice to couple is...
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Should we have a referendum on compulsory voting.
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My friend has just asked me to go to the Mind, Body And Soul Festival in London at the end of May.  When I was younger (and less cynical), I used to believe in the hidden truths and...
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cat woman
This is a serious question to devout catholics. Recently a friend of my mother, who was been treated in hospital for severe depression after several attemps of trying to take her own life.  Sadly...
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Ive always been perplexed by people who have admiration or support for hitler and nazi ideologies. is it ignorance? i cannot understand any support for such a horrific regime. 
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I really admired the late Pope but does anybody else feel very uneasy about the materialism surrounding the present events in the Vatican. Somehow I dont see Christ there walking in such opulence.
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Why is it theese days that people have such little faith, is it only seeing is believing now? Why doesent anyone listen to thier heart?
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I broke up with my ex-girlfriend last August, but she just doesn't seem to want to leave me alone! She keeps bogarting all my friends as well as my family. I told my family I think this is weird, so...
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If Labour introduce Identity cards - would ex-pats have to have an English one, being as we are still British, - living in Spain I have to have a Spanish identity card - and personally I think it's a...
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During world war one  corporal Percy pemberton while on patrol in the argonne forest was shot in the heart by a sniper , however the bullet struck the very locket his wife had given him when he...
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is it true that if a person takes the pin from a hand grenade and swallows the grenade chances are he or she, as the case may be,will have their blooming insides all over the bloody pavement? and as...

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