Gosh, that was quite a workout, Hawk. The clues were pretty evil! Fortunately, after solving just over half the clues 'cold' I was able to make progress with the grid and teased the remainder out... ...
I thought the clues were tricky in places (in fact, I still have 31ac and 37dn to understand thoroughly). But what a pointless, strange endgame. The title, I guess, says it all. Thanks, Tuds.
An excellent numerical with another amazing construction. The trickiest part was to find the first small batch of non-zero values. Thereafter I found it reasonably straightforward. No calculator... ...
Presumably a maiden puzzle by this setter. A decent offering with a few tricky clues. At one stage, I had six clues with removed words as I (wrongly) thought with a couple of them that the clue... ...
An entertaining puzzle -- the clues were fun to solve. I thought it was generous to make 2ac relatively straightforward which proved very helpful in solving in a top-down fashion. I left the grid... ...
I was hoping for something tougher this week. Most of the clues were of Telegraph difficulty. The theme was fairly obvious after solving a few clues. The PDM for the title was nice. Thanks, Aedites.
A very clever puzzle with an amusing endgame. An easy start but the difficulty soon was stepped up. Some nice pieces of logic saved much unnecessary computation. Thanks, Nipper. I enjoyed the challenge.
A neat construction and there was a good variety of clues (a handful being quite tough). The endgame, alas, was a chore -- a nice idea though. Thanks, Harribobs.
An excellent challenge. Some of the letters needed to form the across and down messages were difficult to spot. All scrupulously fair. The endgame was neat. Many thanks, Raven.
I may have missed an existing thread. Apologies if I have but the search yields nothing. I thought this was a gentle solve; the clues were fairly straightforward, all being 'normal'. I liked the... ...
An interesting puzzle. Some of the adjusted theme words were, perhaps, slightly contrived. On the whole, I thought it was very entertaining. Many thanks, Vagans.
I thought the clues were set at the ideal level of difficulty -- difficult but not so fiendish as to lose the all-important enjoyment factor. The endgame is curious; no problem with the final bits... ...
Another brilliant puzzle. Super neat in construction and a lovely endgame. Fortunately the clues were not too difficult -- just as well as, had the corrections been more fiendishly disguised, it... ...
Well, after last week's offering any puzzle will seem easy. A neat idea well implemented. Pretty much impossible to get to the 12 special entries until the quotation had been obtained. Some of one... ...