My son wants money in his pocket but doesnt want a paper round as it doesnt pay particularly well ! Is he old enough to legally work part-time ? Thx for any help.
Every dinner & tea time ends with us telling our 6 year old daughter over & over to eat her meal. It is becoming that meal times are not a very enjoyable time. Any advice? Thanks
we are told by scientitsta the universe was created by a big bang and the universe is constantly expanding as a result of this, but what thing banged in the first place, surely by the laws of nature...
I hear we have some professionals in this area, so I need help with breastfeeding. My son is almost 9 months old and I need to start weaning so I can begin interferon treatment. The problem is that he...
Does anyone remember what a REAL Milky Way tasted like before they fiddled around with the recipe?
Was it the same stuff they use on the bottom layer of Mars Bars?
A recent article in the Daily Record newspaper featured a couple who were told to abort their foetus at 24 weeks as it had stopped growing at 22 weeks in the womb and the mother had developed...
Anyone remember the Nemesis drink? it was purple and i can't remember the flavour. Also Hubba Bubba drink? and those seltzer drinks in clear plastic 'cans' with metal lids?
Is soap self-cleansing? Otherwise surely it would be just as dirty as your hands/other body part as when you last used I sound like a clean-freak?!