Id like to create a "hierarchy" or "organisation chart" using powerpoint 2003. I know in the 2007 version id go straight to "smart art" but not sure what to do on the...
What legisltation and trust guidleine would a medical person (celrical or clinical) use toguard a patients confidentiality I have: NHS code of practice Internal code of practice Caldicott guidelines...
i know what the 6 guidelines are but can anyone out in AB land please give me ideas on how these are put into practice in a medical setting. examples would be good.
Thanks as always......
No I am not suing anyone: - ) I'm doing a ocurse and the following needs answering: What are the implications of negligence for the health professional.? I am thinking the following: Investigation /...
MY "delete" key on my laptop has stopped working. Is there a "gast key" (you know like F1, F2 " etc that works for this. Come to think of it is there a list any of you have of...
We want to watch a big rugby match at millenium stadium in Cardiff in June. We'd like to know what towns or villages are within half an hour or so as acommodatipn in Cardiff on that night is very...
Out of normal working hours I do some freelance audio transcribing (yup you'd never guess from the typos I make on AB huh - but my typing for acurro is okay honest!!!) Anyway sometimes they send me...
hello all - hope you are all good. I am studying today(AMSPAR exam in June) and wonder if someone can help explain the following: The "Tort of Trespass to the person with reference to the consent...
Some of you might recall a previous post (over the weekend) saying a family memebr had a compound fracture of tibia and fibula. Anyway he is home now but we need to buy a "leg trough". It s...
I have an interview this AM - I always get stumped at the part where the interviewer asks: Do YOU have any questions? and also : What is the reason for wishing to leave your curent job...ideas...
anyone had any experience of this? a family member has badly broken both of these lower leg bones (compound fracture!!!) and now has rods etc. Only three days ago so still in hosp and in a lot of...
OKay so ha anyone heard the word / term "haemacidra" (pronounced hee-mah-sigh-drah - i give the pronouciation as i am not sure of the spelling! I know what swelling is , i know what...
hello all. how lovely the sun is today! I have the following plants which are NOT showing sign of life after winter: Cordyline Trailing geranium and canna lilly. They were exposed to weeks of frost...
I don't plan to just slow cook with a lkayer of water at the pbottom of the pan...but what do YOU do? (See also my Q on how long to rroast lamb for)... Hope all in AB land are having a good day...
I've got a lovely 2.3kg (a whopper!) leg of lamb on the bone. I want to roast it REALLY REALLY slowly, (maybe about 80 deg C)...any tips suggestions for how long it needs to be in the oven for? If I'd...
How does a community social worker access various local authority services for the client (eg: community care workers, provision of day and residential care etc) I'm studying a course (NOT social...
Does anyone know to apply to become a proofreader? I saw an ad' for this on the 'net..."work from home etc..." but surely not anyone can do it? I am a voracious reader and would love to that...
HAve loved being on here today...but am still in me jimmyjams and got nowt down so far (a day off work methinks i'm entited to) but the hub is due in soon and....feel guilty for being lazy. byeeee...
Okay - I've got a horrid cold. Not alone at this time of year I know! Thing I'm wondering is...three weeks ago I had nasty cold. It really lingered with the usual cough, sinus pain etc. Just started...
up until very recently i thot being able to" find work was just that an "excuse" My feeling were that anyone who truly wanted to work woud find something even if it was a very menial...