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Is there any inkling who this 32 year old suspect is? My immediate thought was it was a friend of the family who Jo phoned to come round for a drink. He said then that he could not come.
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Reference the BBC news on Cameron's dilemma with the European Court of Justice viz. The H of Parliament and the political angle. Should Prisoners have the right of vote (and in view of the previous...
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I saw an advert for a programme on Channel 4 called The Joy of Teen Sex. It looks like it should just be called The Paedophile Show. Does this programme need to be made and will it benefit anyone...
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Someone told Houllier to get bent, and he only went and paid £18m (rising to £24m) for the player. The most idiotic sum of money paid for an average player, ever? Or has there been worse?...
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Anybody else got this weird semi transparent black box across most of the lower third of the programme. It is not on any other channel...........
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I'm going to watch tonight, 9pm - looks good. Anyone else planning to see it?
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FURIOUS mums told of their "humiliation" today after they were kicked out of a council-funded children's playgroup — because they were BRITISH. Making Links gets a £1,000 annual...
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Is not the Beatles song "and i love her " not the best sweetest beautifulest song ever recorded in the history of the world?
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Please can smeone tell me what the name of the tune that goes to a hymn called Walk with me,O my lord. As we sang it at a church earlier this evening. Thanks
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I see that the gay couple who were refused a double room in a B&B have won their case and been awarded £1800 damages. I'm not sure of the background facts, so can't really comment, but the...
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I have just tried to add an anwer to the above question by oneyedvic, However,I think the Ed must have blocked it as I cannoit add anything to the thread!...
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Whether or not we agree with gay marriage, etc., could this give the child future problems How do you explain this to a child who asks who his father is?...
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Okay, following on from the topic regarding the homosexuals and the B&B, this is purely for a topic of debate (please do not get heated)and I am playing devils advocate. 100 years ago, women had...
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anotheoldgit Should this sort of thing been thrown on the scrap heap as soon as Labour were kicked out? I find it horrifying that this sort of thing is allowed to take place in a so...
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...some youth was shot earlier tonight. The roads are all closed, it's never been so quiet. It's teeming with rain now. Tonight is very weird.
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Good afternoon, I wondered if anyone had seen this: http://www.dailymail....l-police-website.html ? Liz Jones decides to "retrace the footsteps" of Jo Yeates. she provides us with a...
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http://www.telegraph....-men-go-straight.html She claims to be able to turn gay men straight via counselling, and agrees that homosexuality as "a mental illness, an addiction and antireligious...
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Scotland has been told that because Scottish students don't have to pay Uni-Tuition fees then they must allow EU students in free otherwise it would be discrimatory. If that is so why should UK...
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as in 'happy'. I can carry a bundle of twigs, pop a bouquet garni into my casserole or enjoy Mr Brains' finest but cannot type 'fag got' in one word. I can watch sea birds, hoover my tufted carpet,...

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