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A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl. Although his English was far from perfect, they got along very well until one day he rushed into a lawyer's office and asked him if he could...
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Hi Ed ,I see you got off your arse to do your blog, funny you mention dyslexia in it, are you sure you`re not dyslexic? Try reading this.... Wyh deos thsi stie suhtdwon ervey nihgt yte yuo do fcuk all...
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How do you all feel about a regime who finds easy pickings from trivial motoring offences while getting away with murder.? The death of Mr Menzies was caused by the Met. The head of the operation gets...
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Some older abers may recall me asking this before, soz. I have a Creda Crusader tumble dryer - the glass from the door fell and smashed out last year; since then I use anything I can to block it....
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Can anyone help? My washing machine smells of stale water (the type of smell you get if you don't take the washing out soon enough). I leave the door and drawer open after every wash and have cleaned...
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I have just read in the evening paper that Sarah Kennedy has been reprimanded for something she said on her morning show. She allegedly said that she had nearly knocked over a black man in the dark....
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The Commission for Racial Equality has received a complaint about the childrens tv series, Thomas The Tank Engine. Apparently the names of the engines hark back to the days of the British Empire and...
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So Pavarotti knocks on the pearly gates. St Peter opens them and says 'Oh it's you Luciano, come on in. squeeze through'. Pavarotti says 'hold on, I've got an envelope for you, from the pope.' St...
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Mick & Paddy walking home from the pub; Mick says "I cant be bothered to walk all that way" "i know" says Paddy, but we've no money for a cab and we've missed the last bus home. "We'll steal a bus...
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- is the greatest threat to the World - is a threat to Europe far exceeding Nazism - is unstoppable - is just about the first time in history that the British Government by posotove discrimination is...
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Mani Hussain
After reading the question about Zimbabwe below I thought I would ask this question. I'm not trying to be anti-British I just want people's opinions on Britain's involvement in Zimbabwe. I think that...
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Should Scotland now become an independant country? It has subsidised England over many years, exporting all its oil, coal and water reserves, receiving nothing in return. It even has to provide...
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United Nations, New York (IP) - The United Nations (UN) has demoted Peru down to the status of township. Asked why they had done such a thing the UN responded that they could not think of anything...
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hi is it a big job to repair the swinging arm on rear suspension ,can the job be done at home ,is it a bush or bearing thats required.
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Doc Spock
despite the appalling plight of flood victims is it justified to spend government ( which means our) money to alleviate their situation.
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The Sherman
sorry if im stirring up trouble here but i just seen a post entitled boring and it seems that people seem to be well....Racist! please tell me that this site, which i often read is not frequented by...
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Why do people cry down the BNP ? what is so bad about them?
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Do the BNP stand any chance of getting some mps elected? I think if they get just one mp then people will start to realise they are not like the image they are given by the papers
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anotheoldgit,,30000-1 284288,00.html One hundred thousand Americans have marched and protested in Washington against the war in Iraq. Yet no one seems to protest about the war...

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