this is just one man, how many more like him are here, and will he be deported? doubt it, terror atrocities almost inevitable, so many have arrived who we know nothing about, there... ...
since labour came to power its got me wondering, have they actually done anything good so far, love to see a list of plus and negatives, for the life of me all the years on this planet, i think... ...
i agree with him, if for example i took a sub with netflix and did not like the content i could end it, but not with the bbc as it's enforced, i like coke-cola but get billed by... ...
this country sinks ever deeper into chaos and depravity, whats with some people today, war memorials grave stones etc ...
made some great films, eraser head, dune, blue velvet and many more.. quirky film maker. ...
about time, hearing from canadian friends it's a long time coming, they say he ruined canada with lot's of issues besides his liberal wokery. ...
is it about social cohesion at the expense of the victims, it's disgusting if it is the reason. ...
it's not even spring and they are flooding in, surely this has to be stopped, i know this is constantly discussed here, it's unsustainable, rayners build more houses erm build whole towns more... ...
i cannot fathom out why, the companies have been paying themselves millions+ and dupming raw sewage regularly, is it like a thumb in the dyke? legal... ...
i wonder whats going on with the sightings, some one said project blue beam, mm new age religion guff, still interesting whatever it is, alien bridgehead... ...
interesting video on recycling, i had not idea it's mostly a waste of time, for plastic anyway, here's a quote from an expert: I worked in the plastics injection molding tooling industry for 30... ...
import more migrant builder to build more homes, are these migrant builders going to buy the homes they help build, so as thye have somewhere to live? and the million who have arrived since last... ...
having a chat with a mate in the pub, he asked what would it take to cause another general election to get rid of the labour party, got me thinking erm mass civil unrest, a war ? not really sure... ...
is the eu suddenly waking up to this practice, should have been banned years ago, won't happen here though, more reason for migrants to make there way... ...
is this one rule for ethnics and another for the white majority. if your a person of colour you will not be investigated as officers would rather not for fear of being called racist or an... ...
life in gaza after isis, not so good for the victim, but sometimes a tragedy can turn into something good, protestors should read her story, how many women and girls in gaza share a similar... ...
i liked lee andersons speech at the reform confrence, he speaks the truth in my opinion, some abers will say dog whistle politics, how is it when what he say is true, the only difference is he's... ...