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I'm a Tory. I hate this government with a passion. But today I say well done to Blair. He has annouced that he has had enough of our "Lazy can't be arsed army" of benefit claiments. They will now pay...
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Queenbee spk
Im reading this book at the moment and its really making think. Has anyone else read much of her stuff? What are your opinions on it?
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Abu Qatada looses appeal, i course he will appeal against it, is it no time we stopped giving haven to people like him, your thoughts,,2 021713,00.html...
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AB Asks
The large number of suicidal teenage girls calling a helpline has raised concerns about the state of mind of modern youngsters. In a world of spiralling suicide rates and illnesses, such as anorexia,...
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Pakistan has just tested a long range missile capable of deploying a nuclear payload. It is not all over the media and the US and Britain have not denouncedht e Pakistanis. There is no talk of UN...
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Can anyone explain how you change the name of a folder in the address book. we have swopped computers and the address book main folder says e.g. Main Identity's Contacts and we would like it to say '...
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craigiep /news/news.html?in_article_id=437624&in_page_i d=1770
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is it technically possible for a console(approved by the various platforms) to be produced that would play EVERY computer game format (xbox nintendo , ps2 etc ) -or is this too difficult and...
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Manni - You said on another thread that you were a muslim, yet became disillusioned with Islam, and have been studying Christianity for the past six years. As Islam is rarely out of the news these...
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am now in malaysia and staying on a place where the culture seems to be different when it come to courting or marrying a woman here. my question, if i marry a mlaysian muslim do i have to convert...
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AB Asks
British women are the fattest women in Europe a report has revealed. 23 per cent of women are clinically obese and men don't fare much better with 22.3 per cent of them being clinically obese. Experts...
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Our cities are now becoming like Chicago of the 1930s and we are now seeing armed police patrolling our streets for the first time. What can be done to rid our streets of the Gangster like attitude of...
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AB Asks
In the news recently we have been hearing a lot about older women giving birth. The oldest woman so far is a 67 year old who had twins thanks to fertility treatment. Women in general are now having...
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What type of parents encourage toddlers to fight in this manner? Are people losing all sense of decency and can we overcome this apparent descent into barbarism?...
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so the b***ard who raped and murdered the 2 year old is being kept on suicide watch for gods sake why?let him kill himself and do us all a favour.
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could anyone tell me why i havent had a gas bill for 5 year i dont even know which gas company im with either and what should i do
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Whats the difference? which is better?
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Hi, I was putting some new RAM into my computer and I must have got some static to something in there, because now when I switch in on nothing comes up on the monitor. Does anyone know what being...
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An asylum seeker has been sentenced to 11 years for keeping a woman prisoner and raping her five times. If this man is a genuine asylum seeker who sought refuge here because he feared for his life in...
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I went to see my grand-daughter who was two yesterday. Watching her playing and enjoying life, so I was really shocked to read a little girl of two had been murdered in her bed. What scum could do...

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