I have my first wisdom tooth coming through, and for a year or so it's been trying to pop through, and i tend to have it come and go every few months. Recently it's been hurting a lot, kind of a...
After the Terrorists Lovers question I'm seriously interested in how far some of our right wing members would be prepared to let our politicians go in the "War against Terror" We already have...
"We have revolutionised the lives and expectations of millions of our citizens, combining social justice with prosperity in a way which is unprecedented in the history of our country." From Tom Watson...
what are your thought on this as seen on news, muslim women will have burkha medical gowns, i find this insane and a waste will other people then ask for blessed medical equipment only certain faith...
Does anyone know how to stop those really annoying emails offering things like penis enlargements, drugs sales like viagra etc and stock markets advert. I always block the sender and I have set up...
we have recently moved from spain back to the uk. all our electrical appliances e.g t v, irons, kettle, toaster have the continental 2 pin plug and i presume no earth lead. they have all been...
Can anyone explain this? My mobile phone rang today but I missed the call because I was driving. When I looked at the phone it said "one missed call" so I looked to see the number...