Help me again as I have the computer and the wife and mother outlaw gang up on me, crossword clues; Weekly wages: -A-S Cloud cover: O-TA Judo Outfit: G-S Cheops' father: SNE-RU Worthless ore material:...
Still have had no luck with 'million children', an anagram possibly of a food or additive. Anyone else did the co-op mag crossword who could check my letters?
Can you help? Robber has to murmur lovingly at marsupial (9) B?s?i?o?t Arrange loan - the gap gets into shape (10) ????a?o?e? British designs seem round and heavy (10) ????e?s?s? Fish caught at the...
Help please 17a Denoting origin of cracked china set as rejected. (6) ?t???c 14d I take jack up round tavern for spirit. (5) j???r 12d Eager in a way to reach accommodation....
I'm full of cold and struggling this week (well, that's my excuse!) 1A Devil (9) 17A Hell, Hades(6,7) 1D An unaccpted Cathold leader (8) 3D One who interprets literally (14) 8D Divination (6) 19D...
How come so many questions are repeated, when they have already been answered further down the page / pages. Do people not bother to check this, even when, during the process of posting a question,...