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One of the most distinctive voices and styles in broadcasting. Died today...
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Hope to find you all keeping well.I have been out for my anniversary tonight and have enjoyed every bit of it.
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I have a vigorous climbing plant in my garden. It was bought in the supermarket and the label said it was a Jasmine. It has tiny red flowers that look more like buds and it flowers late spring/early...
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My son wants some suitable plants for his [2 walls space in between] Any advice please would be welcome...
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Must eat more "greens" Inspire me please?? Im not a huge veg eater but i know i must UP my intake ... Any suggestions for dishes or whatevs xxx...
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There has been a number of posts regarding same sex parenting and marriages. I have no problem with either , whilst not in favour , why not, each to their own. It has been said many times that there...
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The Attorney General has referred Hall's sentence of 15 months, for 14 indecent assaults on girls, to the Court of Appeal. No comment so far on AB, so is nobody surprised? What do you think he should...
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mine is just getting taller and taller this year but there is no sign of any flower buds at all
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Has anyone else noticed there aren't any ladybirds around this year? LKive in Suffolk, and last year had loads on plants.
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Because he couldn't sleep, and called on a friend, they went to a 24/7 Asda. 3am, looking for bargains. Suspicious behaviour??? Ruddy police, nothing better to do ??...
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These are from a book called Disorder in the Courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while...
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in this heatwave :)
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....Owen to Faye 'Sausage and mash and fish fingers all on one plate'...Corries version of 'Turf & Surf'.luv it....
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My wife and I are planning a long weekend break Friday to Monday, sometime in September. We were thinking of Oxford or Bath or perhaps somewhere else, we are open to suggestions. We would like it to...
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Since I am swelling up with this heat - my breasts are on my tummy, my tummy is on my knees, my knees are on my feet - I am going back the way I came in a foetus. Eh?
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Sloth, Duck filled platypus, red panda, aye-aye?
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I had no intention of eliciting such a response when I posted re pint glasses. Apologies to all....
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Wondering about tattoos.....any thoughts? Gness runs and hides........:-) x...
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On Friday I went to the supermarket and bought more than I could comfortably carry ( as you do ) When I got off the bus I had a 'funny turn ' and had to put the bags down while I rested. A young woman...

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