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How do I rid of the annoying 4versions of sending sms messages I.e send with a bang / send with gentle effect etc. I would prefer to send a normal message if possible. I use iPhone 5s on iOS 11.3.2....
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An icon has appeared on my the top of my screen and it looks like a triangle with two figures in it,iv`e looked at various lists but can`t find what it`s for,any ideas please ?
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When i turn heater switch to screen Ac button lights up on xtype 52 plate...
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I would like to transfer my pics and vids off my iphone 6 to my PC without using iTunes. I am still on an old iOs as I am nervous about updating and have seen friends lose loads of info that way. When...
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I can FaceTime via my old iPhone 4 to another iPhone 4, but not via my newer iPad Air. I can see and hear the other person but they can’t see me, although they can hear me. So it’s I assume a...
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I use an ipad and over the last few days have noticed that there is no 'mark as best answer' box. I know best answers are still being awarded as I was reading Gizmonster's birthday thread, and one was...
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Would it be a 'fair' comparison to say that,"Lightroom is the beautician, whilst Photoshop is the surgeon"? I'm trying to explain the differences to a fellow ,new, member of my camera club, who...
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I am running Windows 10, and would like to change the font for my emails. I would like to change from Calibri 11 to Comic sans 12. I want to make the change permanent....
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I am trying to edit a contact by putting in birthdays. First birthday entry is fine. I try to add birthday underneath, but it comes up in Chinese. Click on the actual word Chinese and Birthday...
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Can anyone help me please? I can't send attached photos in my emails. I can send them to myself on (Virgin) and to my son also but to anyone else who are not on that address...
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Just purchased a New Huawei E5330 wireless router complete with 3Gb sim card. I have followed supplied start-up procedure to the letter but unsuccessful. After charging battery fully I connect to...
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Clean pair of underpants, please, for the car driver...
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I have no problem using Prisma from photos I have taken using the app, but what about photos I have on my iPad that I took (recently) before I downloaded the app. Is this possible?? Thanks....
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Six year old bottle of dark beer. Drinkable or down the sink?
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Anyone know the cheapest ferry crossing to the Isle of Wight in August. With car. Thanks
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ToraToraTora This blokes on 21k a month why would he need to be a tea leaf? madness....
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I bought a humane mouse trap yesterday and set it last night using a bit of a Mars bar... I bought a humane one because I don't want to actually kill it, just set it free somewhere that won't mean my...
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I was thinking of buying a pair for sailing trips. At anchor the chain is always banging and keeps me awake at night. Has anyone had any experience using these?
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I am on ios11 using iPad mini. Over a considerable time I have accumulated loads of mobile Bookmarks, so much so that it is almost as quick to use Google to find what I need than search through my...
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This is a 2000 gt made famous by the Bond film YOLT: anyone any idea what the rectangular panel in the front...

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