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Be gentle with me, I'm no birdwatcher. When we go bike riding by fields of crops at the moment, we can hear loads of birds twittering away but can't see them. Occasionally one will appear and fly low...
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to the religious.... So whats it all about? Retribution, judgment, what? End times (again) maybe? A plague from God? A precursor of the Anti-Christ? Serious question, what the **** is this all about...
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What underpins your personal morality? Is it objective or subjective?...
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Why would a creationist read The God Delusion? Anyway, Ive set myself a goal (always lived my life by goal setting, it focus's the mind) to read the entire Bible...Genesis to 3 months!...
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I can’t find the thread I saw fleetingly earlier where Theland said that Genesis 6 confuses him but that a Christian apologist(?) had explained the content. I assume Theland means the first part of...
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Do you think that there will continue to be a huge amount of people voting Tory? Won't some constituencies drop out when things like unemployment or crime aren't altered?
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The question now is not whether Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party is fit to govern, but whether it is fit to contest an election. These are truly extraordinary times. I can remember a number of occasions...
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Im watching the Everton- Spurs game just now.I see Everton are wearing their poppies with pride.Nothing on the Spurs tops.Why?Were there no Spurs players or fans died in any of the wars?
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That hands out religious tracts in the town centre... He believes that one day I shall be saved. He's never explained to me what 'been saved' actually means. To be fair, he has problems with his...
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What do you consider the ultimTe authority for morality? I believe it is God....
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If there is a God, why has such a supposed loving almighty allowed such a tragic event to happen....
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david small
After all the shenanigans and bluster. Have we been misled, conned, by Boris. Is no deal dead?...
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I am currently going through a prostate problem, the hospital appear to be rushing everything which has made me a little concerned, I wont lie. When these things come along I suppose we do all ponder...
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I believe that cats and dogs kept in rescue centres and shelters for more than 4 months should be humanely killed (put to sleep sounds better). I would never be cruel to an animal, my own dogs have...
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Back in the days of tanners and bobs, When Mothers had patience and Fathers had jobs. When football team families wore hand me down shoes, And T.V gave only two channels to choose. Back in the days of...
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Are there any ABers who believe in the literal truth of the ark story?
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I recently read of a book explaining their religeous beliefs which they are not allowed to read. What is it called and is iteasily available?
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Do we agree that we don't actually know how the universe came about (though science is constantly closing the gaps in our knowledge) and that postulating bronze age creation myths as answers to the...
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Lol. Obviously she is fed up with Europe and Brexit also. Good for her....
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Thelands post below (re: ritual animal slaughter) Sums it all up. The biblical wholesale slaughter of animals and sacrifices is overlooked but the butchery by anyone else of animals is somehow...

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