The seatbelt alarm on my car is driving me nuts - I can\'t drive 50 yds before it starts going off - is there any way to turn it off?
Thanks in advance
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/6353035/Anti-extremism-scheme-spying-on-muslims.html http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/oct/16/anti-terrorism-strategy-spies-innocents Is this...
There have been so many complaints about an article in the Mail that the newspaper regulators website crashed under the sheer volume. In a piece about the death of the BoyZone singer Stephen Gately,...
My car was destroyed when the garage that was servicing it burnt down, their insurance will not pay a fair price for my property that was in the car and thus lost in the fire. They say that they will...
Shouldn't this have stopped happening by now: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23756202-girls-hunted-over-gay-hate-murder-in-trafalgar-square.do or aren't we as 'hip and tolerent' as...
http://www.dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/134080/Now-Muslims-demand-full-Sharia-law --------A spokesman for the Islamic Society of Britain said: “99.999 per cent of Muslims despise these people....
I'm not so sure. The long term useless have a vested interest in Labour staying in power. The vast number of people in public sector non-jobs created by Labour have a vested interest in them staying...
Why is David Cameron's background relevant? I couldn't care less how many silver spoons he was born with, or whether he dragged himself up from a sink estate - all I'm bothered with is what sort of a...
I have just come back from a long weekend in Krakow - utterly fantastic place, will definitely be going back - and the thing that struck me was that all the men and women there seem to take a pride in...
I am looking to buy a personalised plate, I looked on the DVLA website and a few others that I found by googling \'personalised number plates\', and all I can find are ones that sell standard layout...
Not sure I'm in the right Topic, but here goes. I have 12,482 songs on my iPod, 2 of which are by Franz Ferdinand. Whenever I listen to my iPod I always use the shuffle feature and this morning, on my...
I'm all for stamping down on chavs and their anti-social behaviour and would support any party willing to do so - they are a truly horrible underclass - but how can this be achieved? If problem...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8272061.stm Does it matter if Brown is snubbed by Obama? The American president has had face to face talks with Japan, China and Russia but the overtures from...