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So its' been banned. Whats up BOO? Did my words make your stomach churn? Or anyone else for that matter. I was just giving you a sample of Wards wonderful way with words! Sickening eh?
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Hey Ward, Are you saying there are no druggies in england,scotland,ireland etc. Im reffering to your remarks in crossroads thread. FINA ETC
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can vitamins make you hyperactive if you take too many?
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Top Ten Movies of all time. Mine are (though will change tomorrow) in no particular order Star Wars (Original 3 only) Superman (First one only) The Wickerman (With Ewar WooWoo) Se7en Labyrinth...
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The person below has said that she feels her child has Tourettes. Many people self diagnose themselves thesedays and I feel it is an excuse or coverup for inexcusable behavior. If a child is...
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fran2 2652-4.html
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do I need plaaning permission to build a conservatorie
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One of the members who has chosen to use the blank id, (not efc) is the same person that used the greenie id during the week to post my full home adddress on this site. can i suggest that anyone who...
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Just come back from the pub where a group of about 10 pikey's took residence in a large corner. The landlord, God bless him, turned to me for support when they started getting drunk and a little bit...
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Where is there a Turkish bath in England
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How trusting are you when you are in a relationship? I find it really hard to believe that over 50% of the people on here trust their partners 100%. Ha ha, its the first time i have laughed today...
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Our Jack Russell cross is almost 15 in doggy years and has athritis. I've been putting dispersable aspirin in his water but its not helping. Im thinking of crushing an Ibrofen 200mg tablet to add to...
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Till our pubs are clear of the smelly smokers, I can't wait, of course there'll still be some jam tarting but that's minor in comparison to the foul odour of your weed addicts. Are you looking forward...
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Who would you put your life on the line for {no railway jokes please} if you had to. Mr Ben posted on an earlier thread about 100% trust in relationships, so who gets your 100% trust in the above...
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Did anyone else notice that when Emmerdale won one of the awards, the characters that went to recieve it were Dawn Woods, Tom King, Noreen (I think was her name) and a director. However when the...
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Do you like it or do you hate it! I love it, it's bucketing down up here!!!
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where are the men!!!!!
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If you wish you could do more to help, but are directionless and dont know what to do. .... please register your interest with [email protected]. Please say where you are from. Apologies to...
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I am just filling in a questionnaire in the sky magazine (nothing better to do as the weather is so bad!) and they are asking what is my favourite soap moment .So what I want to know is, what is...
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AB Asks
Tonight will see the start of this year's Big Brother. It is rumoured that there will be a big twist at the start with all the contestants being female. Will you be watching? Are you sick of this...

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