I am going to Paris, and am hoping to get a nice bottle of champagne for a friend, but I don't have any idea about which is the best to buy. Are there different types of champagne? help me please...
Me and the girls are consideringthsi sa a holiday destination - any recomendatiosn? wea re looking for a fair night ife as well as a bit of relaxing, beaches, nice food etc. Any views? Also anybody...
Does anyone else remeber this? My colleagues think I am crazy when i talk about baba papa, baba mama and all the little babas. I can't find anything on google.
For a joke me and my boyfriend had an arm wrestling competition, I'm only petite sized, and to mine and his surprise I beat him. He now keeps asking for a re-match. Do you think I may have hurt his...
I had a wisdom tooth out with local anaestetic? (is that how it's spelt) I am still in a lot of pain after 6 days, is this to be expected. I'm taking so many painkillers that my brain is even more...
My Dad is having a problem with his radishes and carrots in Northern Wisconsin. They have all tops and no root (meat or fruit?). Is there something missing in his dirt, or something that can be added?
Ok people here it is. Cast your vote, i'll take majority of the first twenty. I am AGAINST this disgusting lump of vileness, surely nothing made of almonds should be the colour of the stomach bile -...
Hi! I have dreadlocks and was wondering if anyone knows what actually makes the hair mat together?? doesn't seem to say on any websites about dreads!