i confess, i watch big bro !!! does anyone else think that Nikki has gone over the edge ? that girl should be removed from the house.. we all know that BB is a game, but she appears to have lost touch...
What is the best way to crash diet for a month to 6 weeks. No lectures please, I just want to know the best way to diet heavily and get good weight loss in one month. My excercise regime is excellent,...
how many of us are left handed ? up to about a year ago, i was almost 100% left handed, but with the job i do now i find im using my right hand more and more. any "right handed" comments about lefties...
Bit of a random question, but how long would you personally leave it before you slept with a new partner for the first time? Just asking as a matter of interest really!! Thanks
there is a section in the local newspaper, stating that "Sandwell" is moving hundreds of asylum seekers out of its properties and giving these houses/flats to local people.. its about time logic was...
I am up a bit late, past my bedtime tonight, don't laugh, i have had a few glasses of red wine and am feeling a bit , well you know, whos there at this ungodley hour???? Is anyone else feeling a bit...
I have to self inject EPO injections and have just done this . However I forgot to expell the air from the pre filled cartridge before injecting.Is this dangerous?
my boyfriend said he was going to give me a pearl necklace........thing is he is quite poor and I am not sure how he is going to be able to afford this. What shall I say?
hi ive just subscirbed 2 this website and its really but 1 thing !!! it would b really gd if u did a teenagers topic area just for girls and boys so that we can talk about things that concern us. i...
i recently posted an answer with the word ch*nky in it however the word was totally blocked surely this word is not offensive to anyone and was used in referrence to a chinese take away why was it...
When does someone, in the legal sense, become a paedophile. If I get any aswers to this question I will elaborate further as the answers I hope will not be affected by any of my views. It is a subject...
i posted a "left handed" thread in NEWS ! should have been in B&S.... P.S. i need BLUE to be noticed ! dont take it away from me... HELLO ! HELLO ! there ya go, un-noticed. just proves my point !...
I'm fed up with people ringing works trying to sell our company things today. So when they ring up work and ask who deals with stationary, vehicles etc I need to give them a good name back like Bart...