My son is having his insurance cancelled by his insurance company on the 31st of this month due to him not driving safely enough according to his telematics box. My question is, if he cancels his...
Earlier than anticipated, I am now in a position to promote my latest quiz. 60 questions Cryptic/General Knowledge/Anagrams of place names in British Isles containing a colour or shade of colour....
Cystic Fibrosis Picture Quiz. c/d 31st March. Can anyone please give a clue only to Picture No: 68 - picture of a pink spotted cow (I think), wearing blue hat. Searched TV & cartoon images but cannot...
It just won't shift (in the bottom of the bowl) and I have heard that coke does the job. Do I have to scoop all the water out (!) before I put the coke in? Can I use cheap generic coke? Or, does...
The latest Rainbow Quiz landed on my doormat this morning. This time the charity is Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity No. 160024. 100 questions with all answers connected to London -...
Hi. Is anyone here doing the above quiz ..... circular tour of U.K. I think 96 should be 9 and not 8 letters. Thoughts please while I await a reply from Folkestone. Thanks.
Too early to ask for help to answer the question but has anyone solved the following?
Ask where it is and put clothes on?
My answer would include one of the clue words! Is the clue correct?...
Answers are Sports and Games. 33.Skinny dipping loses 7 for this. ( 6 ) letters. Dont know if this question is anything to do with No.7 which is, Do this on day after Christmas (6) letters, answer is...