I was asked into the office today to discuss our stores failings which i took on board I was then given a form about absences I was told i had already had five days off this year and because the...
On the basis that you should never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied, are we looking at Mr Posh as the next PM?...
Church attendances are down in many western countries but is this the case for other religions? Phenomena can be scientifically explained, proved & verified, without having to invoke explanations that...
See the smug presenters of the divers and cheaters programme are getting excited about M O T D returning .May be watch a wee bit of Spurs now and again but week in week out nah not for me...
I don't agree with everything Mr Carr has to say but boy-oh-boy there are some spot on characterisations of certain AB individuals in here. Do you believe his assertions that we're slipping into the...
So it would seem according to the latest, rather large, survey. Perhaps seeing the shenanigans by the EU side of the negotiations, the realization is dawning of what the 'Community' really is; a...
I can't think what the defence would be.
As a thought exercise - what defence would you give for this chap's actions?
Our neighbours have no curtains/blinds at their upstairs windows,we have seen them naked before and as a general rule it doesn't bother us and we know that its not a crime, but what happens when they...
Look in any dictionary and the first definition of "gay" says homosexual. That was never the case. We all know that previously being gay meant happy, carefree, colourful, vibrant etc. So why, and how...
Seems now the honeymoon period is over the French are not so enamoured with Macron who seemingly cares more about himself and his ego than the French economy. Will the French accept this or will we...
Just curious. I could bore you with a tale of bring charged (twice) by BT for their inability to find a fault on their network; but this is more about the end result. Trying to identify the cause of...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4755434/Tycoons-homes-lie-shadow-Grenfell-Tower.html /// Survivor Amina Mohamed, 46, said: ‘They need to make this a priority. We need to rebuild our lives...