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Went to Tenerife over Xmas and saw a beauty of a car in pristine condition - an old Mercedes .... well, I'm assuming it was a Merc 'cos it had Merc badges on it !!!! Sorry I've only the one piccie -...
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I went to Tenerife over Xmas and I passed by some locals, playing what can only be described as bowls on a gravel surface. There were up to 8 people all playing at once, each having 2 metal bowls. I...
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I have a set of tea, sugar and coffee caddies, plastic coated - a nice deep red colour. Well, the sugar ran out so I decided to clean it out. I soaked it in the washing up bowl (containing warm water...
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I took this vid last Thurs (13th Oct). Both planes were virtually the same size, so they must have been flying at similar heights - a bit too close for comfort if you ask me. What do you reckon ????...
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My niece is 1 year old soon and I was thinking about investing £100 - but I've no idea how to go about it and was wondering where's the best place to go and what kind of account to put it in ....
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My father has a conservatory and the gap between the conservatory and adjoining fence was just big enough so that he could get down the side and clean the windows and carry out any other necessary...
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Okay so here's the deal - my father recently signed his house over to me. My question is - when my father passes away, will I be liable to pay tax when I sell the house? Would we have been better...
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I'm thinking of a number. The number I'm thinking of is either 10, 20, or 30. You may ask me one question to which I can either reply, "yes", "no", or, "I don't know"....
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Well - IE8 has been running fine until recently. The problem is when I visit certain web sites I get the following message appear in a separate box: "Internet explorer cannot open the internet...
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I've just been watching world championship bowls this afternoon and I noticed that every time one of the bowls strikes the jack - the ref marks that particular bowl with 2 spots from some kinda spray...
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I've had my washing machine aaages (Hotpoint 9545 - it's a dinosaur lol) and I love it, so I'm trying to save it from going to the scrapheap. The problem is, it leaks water from the dispenser drawer....
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We've got 2 Yorkies and have all the trimming equipment etc. My question - how the devil do I trim them when they wriggle so much - they really don't like the noise and vibration of the trimmers. We...
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Is this for real or what: http://www.nigelsecos...og/Energy_Wizard.html I'm a firm believer of, "if it sounds too good to be true ......." .... so what gives with this lil' device??? Pay...
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The big hand of the Big Ben clock weighs 1200 Ib, and the hour hand weighs 700 lb. What is the total weight of the hands? Verify your answer here: ........
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My friend has a tumble dryer and she recently moved house. At her last house, her main fuse box consisted of the old-style removeable fuses and she had no problems whatsoever with her dryer. She's...
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I heard a while ago (although I may be mistaken), that it's possible to send MMS messages using the internet on my phone. At the moment I pay a fee (can't remember if it's 25p or 50p per message)...
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1. Bruce, the head dog at the north pole, had three sons. The eldest was named Mo, the middle one Curly. What is the third dog's name. Verify your answer here:...
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I got a new CD a few days ago, played it on my PC earlier and I noticed that it won't read the track details etc. I tried a few different CD's and after a few seconds it comes up with the album title,...
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A rectangle is made up of 10 squares (A - J), as in the following picture: Knowing that the dimensions of the squares are all integers, what is the smallest...
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You have 3,000 apples and a camel which can carry at most, 1,000 apples at a time. The camel eats an apple before moving a unit. You want to transport the apples 1,000 units. Note: you can move back...

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