I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts on what heaven will be like when you get there. I have asked many people this question and have received many different answers but the one thing I've noticed...
I was persuaded to go on a Christianity Explored course because, they said ', it was aimed at atheists and confused believers'. I have to say after the second session I couldn't stand the nonsense...
Apostasy Atheism Antichrist What do they believe in Related Words http://www.webster-dictionary.net/definition/Antichrist A´the`ism 1- the disbelief or denial of the existence of a god supreme...
How does the Biblical story of the Hebrews brutally slaughtering every man woman and child in over thirty tribes guide the reader to a better perspective on life?
A drug taking fraudster from the church. Goodlife & co its over to you.
Is God really to blame for such suffering? According to investigators, evidence was found in the wreckage that pointed to sabotage by a terrorist bomb. When men fight against one another to further...
I've just noticed the new "Noah" film trailer on IMDB. http://www.imdb.com/trailers I laughed out loud at the 2:25 mark – watching all the different kinds of animals boarding the ark (particularly...
Faith in the Bible does not hinge on what scientists say. When their advancing knowledge comes ever closer to conforming to the Bible, that does not make them become Christians. No,they still cling to...
I was talking to a group of theists and I asked them how they could justify the killing of thousands of innocent new born babies in Sodom and Gommorrah. Their answer was God's laws are never to be...
why does he want people to have to have faith in him? why does he want to test them? he is clearly a megalomaniac to demand such utter devotion and smite people and send them to hell for eternity any...
A day or two back a contributor here said…. “It's [the Bible's] contents are scientifically sound on matters that human researchers discovered only at a later date.” …. but he declined to...
A atheist raised the following problem: “To some extent there is order, wonder and beauty in nature. But this is only one half of the picture. The other half is terrible chaos.” Then, after...
In final days of this old world were foretold to be a time of most important decision, because the ability to predict the future is one thing that distinguishes the true God from all false...
But many have prayed in vain for health, happiness, peace, and prosperity. In fact, some feel that God does not really listen to prayers. Yet, the Bible calls him the “Hearer of prayer.”—Psalm...
It is the nature of man not to lead a solitary life but to try to settle down and have children.(mark 10:6-9) However, marriage has become less and less popular. Is it the divorce rate that scares...