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People lie for many reasons. Some think they are obligated to lie about their abilities in order to get ahead in this competitive world. Others try to cover up errors or guilt with lies. Still others...
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The house must have been coming down with mice. The new traps have killed six in only two days. If animals do have a soul is it fair to dispatch them unshriven from this world?...
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Taking Genesis at its face value, did God deliberately provoke Cain to such intense anger that he killed Abel.
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How does this work, for example, why is the pope a 'higher' catholic than the chap who works in my local chippy? Is he just better at believing?
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In discussions on R&S both here and elsewhere one often hears questions like Why are you bothered? Why don't you just let people believe what they want? What harm does religion do? This is one example...
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Morning, I was wondering how a new franchise takes over a church. For example, what if there was a little Baptist church run by a Baptist priest/vicar and then, for some reason, the church was sold to...
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On the Internet numerous Web sites claim to offer enlightenment on how to find love. You might be told that you will discover fascinating and incredible secrets. professional matchmakers, relationship...
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I do not understand why the Jews have been, and are still being in some quarters, persecuted by Christians. Jesus was a Jew, as were his entire family, the people to whom he preached, and all of his...
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I am greatly entertained by reading the posts regarding religion, which contain contributions which veer from lucid, well thought out comments, to others which appear to be incoherent rambling, and...
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Have you ever seen the god you worship ?
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If you appear to be relaxed, it will help to lessen your fears. (Prov. 15:7)...
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Allegedly the good end up sharing eternity with him – the bad, depending upon what you believe, are either doomed to hell, or once dead are dead forever – but what’s the ultimate purpose of it...
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An interesting paper on the mathematics of morality in evolution, as the BBC seemed to put it, appears here: The bbc link is...
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Interesting piece linked to here. Audio recording of a preacher addressing a JW convention this year and talking about disfellowshipping - a practice which I am sure i have seen JWs here deny happens....
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Like it or not, we daily see things we would prefer not to see, and when we look at the daily newspaper or the television screen, accounts of injustice, cruelty, and tragedy leap out to tug at our...
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idiosyncrasy The Bible tells us that...
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How strong is your belief, and why ?

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