I met a guy one month ago. I have seen him a few times and we have had sex three times. The last time was sunday and on monday he had symptoms of an STD, he told me about it and went to a clinic Tues...
Which is more painful? Having a baby or being kicked in the testicles? No one can experience both!!! Have often heard it compaired and was just wondering.
What is the best way to lose weight from your thighs? I'm going on holiday this summer and I'd like to lose abit of weight off my thighs or tone up my legs abit. as I am only 5'2, my legs always look...
I suffer from PCOS (policystic ovaries) and now that I have paid zillions for laser hair removal I am trying to get all the excess weight to fall off too. I was up to 22 stone and am now down to 19, I...
please help.....i was going out with my ex for about 10 weeks. he told me he loved me and we had a beautiful weekend together. now a week later hes told me he doesnt want to be with me anymore because...
What is the best way to crash diet for a month to 6 weeks. No lectures please, I just want to know the best way to diet heavily and get good weight loss in one month. My excercise regime is excellent,...
Did anyone see this mornings Jeremy Kyle? There was a 16 year old girl going out with a 48 year old man!! I couldn't believe what I was watching!! My question is what age gap is acceptable? Just want...
Is anyone else horrified by the Japanese/Norwegian/Icelandic attiude to whale hunting? These are intelligent mammals. No reasoning can excuse this vile trade. The Japs said "whale meat is an important...
Bit of a random question, but how long would you personally leave it before you slept with a new partner for the first time? Just asking as a matter of interest really!! Thanks
a while ago my ex boyfriend was listening to a song and i dont have a clue who its by or what its called but he told me it was about the guy who sings its baby when it was born it was in an incubator...