I dont fancy having to have that done much, although I am pretty sure she didnt either. So whos face would you have given the choice? Also what cosmetic surgery would you like too?
My 2 year old is very keen to sit on the toilet, but is not yet fully potty trained, should I be encouraging her to use the toilet or concentrate on the potty
hey, i live in edinburgh and i want to get a job as a abr man but i have no experience and its tough to get a chance. What should i do? Are there courses i can do?
With all the news making the decent British population disaffeceted with our own country, how about a reminder of what makes Britain Great? I will start............ 1) Torvill and Dean winning gold at...
over summer i am (hopefully) going down to cornwall a couple of times to go surfing. is it best to get my nose pierced AFTER this? so i dont catch it/risk infection. or would the salt water be quite...
I am planning my first holiday abroad. Im 21 and will be going with my boyfriend, I want to go in September, I think this would be one of the cheapest months and the weather will still be quite nice....
Apparently cadburys etc are putting "be treatwise warnings" on their choccie bars, advising people to get active for 30 minutesand to enjoy it in moderation. I dont know about you guys but I don't...
can anyone send a link to a picture that they feel represents the quote "change one thing, change everything"? I really want a tattoo that represents "change one thing, change everything" (the chaos...
does anyone else think there is too great a division between rich and poor.i find it a bad state of affairs that some people have more money than they will ever need and other people are out on the...
My seven-year-old son walked in on my husband and I while we were is a vulnerable position, not the missionary one! He told his sister and she came and quesitoned us about it. We told her that mommies...
i saw a boy of about 14 trying to impress some girls on his bike when all of a sudden he came a cropper, after seeing he wasnt really hurt i found myself laughing every time i thought of it. im not a...