Hi im a bit surprised I went out for a meal tonight with some friends and i had white pudding and chips and 1 slice of bread and butter. I took 1 glipazide 1/2 hour before meal and 2 metformin after...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-28737782 John Major, not someone we hear from every day by any means, has now firmly plonked his cat amongst the pigeons. But at least dave can't sack him can he...
I was reading a recent post I made regards to Bob Dylan and one AB'er said that they had seen him recently and he should retire another disagreed which made me wonder if the person who disagreed had...
Some surgeons in Edinburgh mainly vascular surgeons are refusing to operate on patients unless they give up smoking I am in full agreement of it. What do abs think?
I plugged in to charge it as usual but it wont charge keeps telling me to plug in charger ! tried all different sockets in the house too. I bought it in May , so any tips before I take it back to PC...
Anyone watching this?. Salmond still showing himself as a booer. Makes me want to stay in the Union. Not sure if English viewers are watching at the same time. Compare is crap and couldn't hold a ***...
Any suggestions for rarer scary films. I am not thinking the obvious choices like 'The Shining', 'The Exorcist' or newer ones like 'The Conjuring'.
Any very obscure, forgotten gems?...
My Partner lent some money to his friends wife four weeks ago after she rang him and said her benefit money hadn't gone in the bank and she needed to get his birthday present. My partner took it...
I understand posting this, will leave me open for a lot of negative criticism and opinions. However please refrain from making me feel any worse than I already do. I really want peoples help on this....
Sorry I posted in wrong place I am really concerned about my cat she seems to be unwell. She is off her food and has been acting out of character today she is lying in corners of the room and under...
Mr M has just been to se the practice nurse for a check-up re his diabetes and blood pressure. His BP reading was 190 over 50. Nursey went out to see the doc, came back in with instuctions for a blood...