Like all debates, there are two sides to it.
Yes there are many immigrants who work hard and better themselves.
Many of the Asian community become doctors, lawyers, solicitors etc., other Asians open shops or start a business. Immigrants from other countries also work hard and start businesses.
This contrasts with many "white" British people who sit in the pub and moan that nobody will give them a job.
However for every immigrant that works hard and contributes to society there are others who don't.
The country is full of criminal gangs from all the ethnic groups, black, Chinese, Asian, Somali, Romanian and so on. In fact a search in Google will show how widespread these criminal gangs are.
Also many immigrants flout our laws and rules.
I live on the edge of Birmingham and in certain areas (mostly Asian) about 30% of cars are uninsured. Yes the police are scared to target these areas for fear of being branded racist.
Many of these Asian areas are a disgrace, with rubbish dumped everywhere. If a person does not want a 3 piece suite or a mattress they just dump them at the side of the road.
I find driving though these areas so upsetting I often drive miles out my way to avoid them.
I had a man from the Gas Board in my house the other day and he said there are immigrant areas of Birmingham where they will only go out in pairs, not on there own.
He has even been stopped in his car in some immigrant areas and asked why a "white person" is coming in to this area.
I think unless you live near some of these immigrant areas you have no idea how bad they are and how awful they become. Some suburbs in Birmingham, that were fairly decent 20 years ago, are now 100% Asian and totally ruined.
School are 100% Asian children and I am sure most of you have heard of the Trojan Horse attempts in Birmingham to get strict Muslim teachings in these schools.
I am not totally anti immigrant, Tescos and Marks and Spencer were started by immigrants, Isambard Kingdom Brunel was an immigrant, as are many people who shaped this country.
However it has gone too far and we are now in real danger of losing our identity. We also have so many immigrant ghettos in our cities that it is very easy for illegal immigrants to hide in these ghettos.
Immigration is like putting sugar in your tea. One or two spoon fulls of sugar in your tea is fine, 50 spoon fulls is too much, and we now have 50 spoon fulls of immigrants, and we cant do much about it.