This may sound like a complete 'blonde' question, but can you fit your wiper blades upside down/wrong way round? I bought some Champion wiper blades for my car and when I fitted them I noticed they...
Have already got freeview and has been thinking about getting Top up tv for a while. Is it worth it? The set top boxes are pricey for top up tv and I don't want to waste money on one if the channels...
has anyone got any easy healthy lunch ideas. Something I can prepare the night before or in the morning. I have exhausted baked potatoe and am not keen on sandwiches as they're kind of soggy by the...
A teacher friend of mine has said to her students as an incentive for coming in on time she would give them all a little treat if they manage to come in on time for the whole of next week. She forgot...
Have just found out my laptop's got a virus called Trojan I have Norton Anti virus on it but (entirely my own fault) it wasn't up to date and this virus slipped through. Luckily I have...
I only got hooked a couple of months ago and loved the fact there was a double episode beginning of the week and then another on a Friday. But last week there was nothing. What's happened? Is it all...
I'm thinking of joining online as it fits around my schedule. Was wondering if anyone had any experience with it online and if you found it useful or not? Thanks in advance
I have a 5 year old Staff and he often eats grass, Sometimes I think he may have been a cow in a previous life.. It doesn't bother me and he doesn't do it all the time. But one thing I was wondering...
I am one of the 'fortunate' ones who live on the flight path to Heathrow and I've often wondered why planes have headlights? Surely it's not because the pilots need them to see.
My other half had intended to hand in his notice next month after 10 years in the same place. Won't go in to the reasons why but they were justified. He needed to give 10 weeks notice (one for each...
What's the song and who sings it? It sounds kind of Beatle'ish. It's from the new M&S advert where the women dance around and I think one of them is Twiggy.
Have been watching the re-runs of Friends on Channel 4 in the mornings and yesterday and today I noticed Phoebe eating lasagne and pizza. Was she not a vegetarian in the beggining? Or did the story...