my pal has told me she has taken out a 5 year life ins policy on her hubby at 50 pounds a month she expects 20 grand back after 5 years it seems a lot for 5 years your openions please
i had a shortcut on my desktop allowing me to check if my windows firewall is on or off most of the time when i did a check it was off i had to put a dot in the circle thank you
i am trying to record from camera to vhs# i can get the video on the tv screen but it does not record iy i pressed the av buttons on the video remote no good also pressed the av channels on tv remote...
my pal is going to grece soon he has heard heir is a rectriction on bringing food home from hoilday he likes to bring home spicy sausages cheece olives that sort of thing can he or cannot not thank u
i have installed zone alarm a few times still getting the same problem the prob is it seems to stop a lot of web sites from down loading your help please