Has anybody here made a life changing decision that at the time terrified you due to the amount of change that would occur from it, but was worth it in the end. Would you do it all over again or do...
If you are not a, "religious," person, in the commonly accepted meaning of the term, have you ever had an experience that you would describe, in the absence of any other explanation, as, "Spiritual?"
Does anyone else ever have one of those days, like I am having today where the phone doesn't ring, no friendly emails arrive and you feel like the world has forgotten you. Or is it just me?
What tips can I get for easing the itching/scratching cycle for my 6month old who developed eczema 7 weeks ago and hasnt slept for more than 1hour at a time since. Shes had several different creams...
Should I give up on a guy who doesn't call and says he loses track of time? He says he is afraid to move to quickly because he has been badly hurt in the past. Help!!
Has anyone got any ideas how I can get my 2 yr old daughter to stop getting up at 5am EVERY morning? I have tried keeping her up late to see if that helps but it doesn't! She doesn't even have a nap...
Hi, I will be getting a puppy soon and the breeder has recommended that I buy a cage/crate. I just don't know if I agree with this..? She says to use it for them during the day, for them to sleep in...
I 've got to see my sons headmaster after school today because of an incident where my son lied to cover up for his friend, thats fine and i will deal with it, but, its came out this morning that...
My daughters dad only started seeing her when she was 4. He would visit one night a week for a couple of hours, but really only sat on the sofa and didn't really do much with her, probably because it...
Hi all, Very quickly, I was informed over a year ago that I was in credit with my electricity account (Npower) and they were reducing monthly direct debit to ?6.00 (was paying ?70.00 for long while)....
i heard yesterday that a law is being brought in that if youa re caught answering your mobile phone while driving you will get a ?60 fine plus 3 penalty points, well does it mean caught "actually"...
my little grandson was born 12 weeks early and was on oxygen till he was almost 9months. my daughter was advised by the specialist not to have him with a lot of children until his imune system was...
Hi all. Our 8 week old started life waking us once in the night & going back down within an hour to an hour & a half. This past week she has been waking between 1am & 3 am & staying up for upto 5...
me and my ex girlfriend have a 3 year old son i have him 3 nights a week and she has him 4 nights is there any sort of benefits i can claim she gets all the tax credits and i dont get anything even...
I have now being with my partner for just over 4 years, she has always had certain problems as her relationship with her mother was not that good - although they dont usually show until she has had...
i have a presentation to do and my group has decided to do about toys. i would like to know why do you think we sterotype when buying toys for boys and girls? thank you