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I have a rather prominent scar on my shoulder. It is not sore but occasionally irritated by straps. Would bio-oil help diminish the scar?
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My son has joined the Army Cadet Force and has got his new boots. He has heard all sorts of stories and suggestions for getting the best shine on them, but are there any squaddies out there with the...
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did you rush home from school for or which is the one that you would associate with being a child or a teen? I can remember "watching with mother", the follow up to radios "listen with mother! Rag,...
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Been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life.
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If any of you nice people know of any other social networking sites that allow chatting etc with no nasty flaming, I would really appreciate you posting the site name here... thanks!
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Well its nearly the end of the working day . Well for some. So whos up?? Whos down ??? Whos had a good day ?'?? Whos had a bad day then ???? Well speak up .........................
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Going to have a chav rant. Anybody care to join me!!!!!!!!!
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Is Tiscali in administration- folding as a company- someone told me that they read this in a newspaper? If so, what will happen if you use Tiscali for internet + phone? Many thanks in advance :-) Bea...
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jack daniels
family are going to GY for Easter break, anything worth seeing/doing there? Going to be staying in a cottage. Not been there for years. TIA
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everyone steals something in there life,i stole a pencil out of woolies when i was 8,i got caught and got a right telling of,what about you
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Do you have any idea what your name really means? Where its origins lie? Do you wish your parents had chosen otherwise? My real name is teutonic/German (Strange, considering my Jewish ancestory). It...
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Why are they actually 'sore' ? Why do we get them? Why am I enduring one -the first in 50yrs? Why does my husband not have one as its meant to be through kissing? I have had the cold all week but i...
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ive seen babies as young as a few months with hoops in their ears, personally it makes makes me really uncomfortable. How old were you when you had yours done? at what age would you allow your child...
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I think my children think I never had a life as they used to avoid getting involved in some sexy and joke conversations until one day I said to them (BEEN THERE DONE THAT AND PROBABLY KNOW MORE ABOUT...
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Is anyone still on here from when I used to be a regular? Remember "Froggers"? Just seeing if any of the old regulars are out there...
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I have recently finished reading 'The Suspicions of Mr Whicher' and was really disappointed in it. It seems that I am alone in feeling like this as all of it's reviews raved on about how it was a...
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with the duvet cover and am still recovering - I feel a glass of wine may be in order. What household chores do you hate and why?
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if you see similar posts here on the same topic, I'm sorry in advance, this is the 3rd attempt! My Qs, What's your fav. decade and why, does any particular song from it make you happy/sad? mine is the...
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Is a Honda Civic 1.4 Se auto on a 51 plate ( 2001) with only 12,500 miles 1 lady owner and service history plus full service and MOT for a year from dealer, a good buy for my wife as present,and are...
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my camellia plant is covered in what i can only describe as a black powdery substance. would anyone know what this is and what can i use to get rid of it.

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