1) Has anyone ever managed to navigate IKEA in Croydon without getting lost and having to ask a staff member the way out ? Also, what was the retail reasoning that made them build a store where the...
What is the funniest advert this year? My favourites so far are * Over the Top Protection - Every ones a stuntman * Talk Longer - The one for mobile phones ( vodaphone? ) where people come up with...
Derek from Bog Brother is a fake and a liar. He claims he loves Wimbledon and always watches it and is asking people to tape it but if he really oved Wimbledon then he would know that it tradionally...
This is what I do Before I put things in the recycle bin.After I open tin food I wash the tin open both ends and peel the lable of and crush the can, I wash out sauce and wasing up liquid bottles Is...
Do you think Britian will put together a football team for the London Olympics in 2012? Obviously it's early days yet, but this is bound to be on the FA agenda sooner or later.
Remember the film Oliver ? The 1968 version starring Ron Moody as Fagin & Oliver Reed as Bill Sykes.There was the scene where Oliver wakes up overlooking a park & a girl begins to sing 'Who...
My dear friend's Mum has been diagnosed with secondary bone cancer that has spread to her liver. This has shattered my friend's family & they are not really wanting to (understandably) talk about...
I for one am standing by these 2 and their gang. I think that Makosi, Kemal and Vanessa have been let off the hook for far to many things and they are being bullies in a far more psycological way...
I liked his style" is fumbling around, his awful jokes.That bloody CONUNDRUM I could hardly ever get!!Will miss you and your colourful ties.RIP Richard Whiteley .
What is it with you English? Watching Hedman and Ruzrdski I see countless English flags and hats. Hedman and Ruzrdski are representing Great Britain yet you lot seem to this...
Are the dogs in Columbo - How to dial murder (Laurel and Hardy they're called) the same dogs as Drax owned in Moonraker? They're the same breed and seem to 'act' in a similar fashion?
Does anyone like me think the sound breaks on Big Brother are over done, Even after the watershed we are giving a warning of bad lanuage and sexual scenes yet still they have sound breaks. ...