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Why's he going?
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I am very Euro-sceptic, and normally bristle when I see us being forced to do things by Europe. On this point I am totally underwhelmed though. Can anyone explain to me why prisoners should not be...
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When having hot apple crumble, should the custard be hot or cold?
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I have got disc one of the Daily Mail giveaways. Episode one of Upstairs Downstairs comes out in colour, but episode two is black and white. Any idea why?...
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http://www.theanswerb...e/Question975387.html ....
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Why did he resign the Liverpool job all those years ago?
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or has this fantastically modern high tech world failed to invent a stapler that doesn't jam up all the time
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I have a six year old Packard Bell computer. The loudspeaker socket has long had a problem, so I run the speakers from the headphone socket on the front. This socket now also has bad connection...
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I'll kick off with Ricky Gervais
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Two scousers arrive at the pearly gates, but argue with St Peter that they shouldn't be there yet. Eventually St Peter agrees to go and speak to God, to check if they were actually due. He goes back...
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to beat the VAT increase? It's only about a 2.1%increase, so is it really worth it?...
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I would lay money he did. He seems to have disappearred off the radar recently, so perhaps the Police have asked the press to back off....
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If someone has a smart phone, and receives an e-mail, how do they view attachments such as Word documents?
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I saw a bit of the Royal Variety Show earlier on. Take That were singing, with a load of grubby looking men in underpants in front of them. What was that all about? It looked horrible....
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I have just checked on You Tube, and confirm what I heard on the radio today. The Crucial Conundrum was LARGEBAPS. The answer was GRASPABLE That must have caused a bit of a commotion in the rest...
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If you bought a scratchcard for someone for Christmas, and it won a big wad, would you expect them to share it with you? Look at it the other way aswell, if you were the recipient, what would you do?...
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There were four guys walking round with a coffin on their shoulders. On my way home I saw they were still walking round with the same coffin. I think they've lost the plot....
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Are Wikipedia and Wikileaks related?
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Why don't the authorities just borrow a jumbo jet and taxi it up and down the runway, with the engines on medium power and the brakes partly applied? That would blow the snow away faster than piddling...
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We've hardly had any. I feel cheated....

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