I'm not very hopeful, as this is a bit niche. I have a flat, and my upstairs Neighbour and I share the freehold/leasehold and buildings insurance. She has a fire escape going from her flat down to... ...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c20j3z5xnn0o presumably the no1 priority leaks wise is to stop people finding out about the freebies they are getting and who they are giving a free pass to no... ...
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13877225/Sir-Shameless-PM-Sue-Gray-enjoy-Spurs-freebie-lobbyist-backed-breakaway-football-super-league-advises-tax-avoiding-tech-giants.html They're at it... ...
I see reports that the GOAS is hiring a personal photographer costing £68,000 pa. of public money. Is this a good use of public funds? Only a drop in the "alleged" black hole but it sure won't... ...
The Super Rich have made fortunes in the UK and now they are fleeing the UK for their Tax Havens.According to a "Migration Consultancy" which helps the rich shuffle their fortunes around to avoid... ...
My doctors surgery has recently moved to new premises and I called in there last week to change my flu and covid vaccines times, with waiting time and time spent talking to receptionist i was in... ...
I know that freebies such as private health care have a notional value which is added to salary and taxed. Will this apply to the use of a corporate box at Arsenal for Keir Starmer and the clothes... ...
I say again! I´m in Blighty for a brief break, so me and the mrs had a meal in Spoons today. I had worked out the cost, paid at the bar, and assumed everything would be ok, i wasn´t wearing my... ...
How important is education? Does your country have a good education system? ... Which countries have the best schools and universities? ... Is education only for the young? ... Henry Ford said,... ...
At 2.30AM a debate between a tired old bankrupt with a string of criminal convictions, and a vibrant young lady with a lifelong career in law enforcement, will take place. They are vying for the... ...
My mate Phil explains that the Labour government have now added Building Products that no longer require the UKCA mark (and we will be using the European CE mark instead). The UKCA mark had... ...
Many might think Trump an ignoramus (me included) – but if you listen to this youtube video you will discover that he is very knowledgeable; and if you listen to the end, he’s a very modest person... ...