Since last night, some of my Sky channels have been freezing or stuttering and some indicate no satellite signal being received. Anyone else experiencing this? as I thought it may be due to...
Where I am we've just started getting The Bill. It's pretty dire but there are 2 characters I like, One a short ,long nosed woman on the Desk, not pretty but I like her. Another is a plump bloke with...
can anyone help me. Im starting jogging so I can lose weight and I have looked everyway I can think of for sports wear in my size which is a plus size. Anyone know any stores that sell sportswear in...
anyone know a really nice recipe for a healthy homemade soup because I always try making one and it always tastes horribe and never a nice taste to it and always end up wasteing it by throwing it...
my father died a couple of days ago. in the absense of my partner, who is out of the country, I have asked my ex-husband to accompany me to the funeral. my sister is having an issue with this. there...
So the producers have decided to axe some of the older cast. They say they have no storylines for them anymore. I can see Emily Bishop and Betty being the 1st to go.
I have just heard on the radio about conditions in one location where our chaps and chappesses are expected to live (and pay for). Human excrement running along where they have to walk from the living...
Just been on the news that the McCanns are considering pulling out of the reconstruction in Portugal. Why? don't they want their daughter found, they are just blocking everything. I do not understand...
A 12 yeat old girl goes to the Police and social services to tell them she fears being sent to Pakistan and forcibly married. They do NOTHING. And she is raped by her new husband and I am deeply...
m.p's can now claim 22k each year for doing out their second house! what a cheek, some people are living on the streets cos they cant afford a first house let alone a second one, its disgusting, what...