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Oompa Loompa
Does anyone know what the correct pronumciation of this sweet is? (Nugget or nougah?!)
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If a man wears make up and tries to kiss men would you class him as a homosexual
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do they work? are they safe? anyone seen the effects? - i dont wanna look winter pasty anymore! anyone tried holland and barrett's tanning pills?
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I use a whitening toothpaste daily, but it doesn't seem to be having any effect. Has anyone used any whitening product that actually works? I can't afford proffessional mega bucks treatment! Thanks Xx
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can anyone think of a recipe for the above ingredients? i seem to remember one where you put sliced potatoes and cream in a dish topped with cheese and cooked in the oven. will it taste nice and if...
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has Morgan Freeman ever made a quest appearance on the TV show E R. If so, when?
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Is it me or has Hollyoaks lost the plot lately??
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A topical Valentine question. Why is it that women just love chocolate and men don't? My partner and all my ex gfs just adored the stuff. Yet I can't stand it - nor do any of my mates ever eat it. Nor...
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Whats the worst haircut or hairdo you have ever had in your life.Mine was probably about 12-13 i had to go to a new barber as the old 1 had closed .Instead of my usually tidy up trim the old guy gave...
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The area around my big toe really hurts! Ive had the feeling that my toe needs to click since last week, and now the ball of my foot hurts too. Bending my toe forward hurts most. Is this from wearing...
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I think I work hard at work. I'm reliable and consciensious, but I'm quite new so I'm still learning the job to an extent. I don't mind people telling me I should have done something or I could have...
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Can anyone help with any advice on how to deal with it ?
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Steven 1935
What is the modern version of the cocktail Bloody Mary
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So does anybody know yet who planted bomb and who it was meant for and why??
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were tryin to name 20 arnie films help us
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Marky B
I placed this question earlier on and I can't find it. I missed Deal Or No Deal on Saturday. I am assuming it was Eileen's (the Black Widow) show. How did she get on? Ta Ta Marky B
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I keep suffering from a bloated tummy and trapped wind. The pain some times is unbearable - does anyone know any good solutions or what causes this? many thanks
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Do you fight to be with someone you like, or should it not be a fight. When I say fight, I don't mean fisty cuffs with opposition at dawn, i mean more emotionally fight. I like someone and I know he...
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Who's your favourite
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I had a dream about this guy in my school, his name is Zach....well like a week ago I read his palm(didn't know what i was doing) and I told him that he will have a lot of money and that he will die...

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