She goes in & out & in & out. Who? When this song first came out (I was about 13) I thought it was really rude. Squeezebox = slang for ladies inner parts, so me was told. Was this a phallusy?! I don't...
I live with my partner and his mum and i would like to get our own place, i do like his mum but she can be moody and it creates an atmosphere. My partner and his mum dont really get on and argue. i am...
I've been seeing this guy for about 4.5 months now and he is beginning to irritate me. This may sound harsh but he tells me he loves/misses me about 50 times a day. Although I like being told I'm...
Just would like to know ABers opinion on this topic. Has anyone been mates with someone, then been in a relationship with them? How did it happen? Did one just tell the other how they felt? How was...
I really really need some opinions and advice here?. I think I may have already done too much damage to my relationship with my 21 yr old son. This could get a bit long winded but please bear with...
would you eevr get someones name tattood on you? surely even if you get it tattooed over then its still there and youll know that so would ya wouldnt ya ???
Would you sleep with someoneon a first date? and do you think men and women are judged differentlly on this matter? Also, anyone out there in a long-term relationship with someone who you slept with...
Couple in dudai jailed for romping on a beach. Have you ever been a bit risque in your location ? Worse still were you caught by the authorities ? And did they take down your particulars ? Did they...
I've lived with my g/f for a few years. We've got 4 kids at home. When we met I was all up for the wedding lark. Truest thing anyone ever said to me was, 'you don't know someone until you live with...